最终稿The Factors of Health Community

发布于 2023-03-28  147 次阅读



What Is Community Health?

Community health is the collective well-being of community members. In addition to living in the same neighborhood or region, these populations often share health characteristics, ethnicities, and socioeconomic conditions.

Why Community Health Is Important

  • The effect of health on quality of life can impact the desire to participate in civic duties like voting, social functions, and leisure activities.
  • Community health impacts everything—educational achievement, safety and crime, people’s ability to work and be financially healthy, life expectancy, happiness and more.
  • Community health impacts everything—educational achievement, safety and crime, people’s ability to work and be financially healthy, life expectancy, happiness and more

Community Health Elements

  • Educating residents on the benefits of preventive care and healthy behaviors to facilitate life changes.
  • Providing essential services such as screenings, social support, and counseling.
  • Reducing the need for expensive emergency care and hospitalizations.
  • Belonging and acceptance where there are strong social connections throughout the community.
  • A culture of taking care of each other while accepting people’s differences.

The importance of community happiness

Positive experiences with communities allow individuals to feel more connected to their environment and the people in it. Further, the connection that comes with being in a community can act as a support system for members when they require encouragement or help.

What makes a happy community?

  • Create and utilize beautiful spaces
  • Get involved in neighborhood
  • Feeling a sense of fairness is critical to the experience of good relationships, and good relationships are often a key driver of people’s involvement in communities



The influencing factors of community health mainly fall into four categories:

1. Biological factors In community populations, specific demographic characteristics such as age, ethnicity, marriage, susceptibility to certain diseases, and genetic risk are biological factors that affect the health level of the community.

2. Environmental factors The social environment involves many factors such as political system, economic level, culture and education, population status, technological development, and so on. A good social environment is the fundamental guarantee of people's health.

3. Health service factors The scope, content, and quality of health services are directly related to a person's birth, aging, illness, and death, as well as a series of health issues that arise therefrom.

4. Behavioral and lifestyle factors Lifestyle refers to the general term for life consciousness and living behavior habits formed under certain environmental conditions.

Nowadays, unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy behaviors have become the main causes of harm to people's health, leading to disease and death.Health hazards are generally divided into four categories:

⑴ Daily health hazards. Mainly include: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sexual disorder, etc.

(2) Pathogenic behavioral patterns, namely, behavioral patterns that lead to the occurrence of specific diseases. The main categories of medical education | online collection include: Type A behavior, also known as "coronary heart disease prone behavior," whose core behaviors include impatience, hostility, and a sense of time urgency. The incidence rate, recurrence rate and fatality rate of coronary heart disease were 2-4 times higher than those of ordinary people. Type C behavior, also known as "tumor prone behavior," is characterized by a high degree of emotional repression, self-control, and tolerance on the surface, but a strong tendency to suppress anger and sulk in the heart. The incidence rate of cervical cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, malignant melanoma, etc. is about three times higher than that of normal people.(可忽略)

(3) Bad living habits. There are mainly: bad dietary habits, including excessive eating, high fat, high sugar, low fiber diets, partial eating, picky eating, and excessive snacks, a preference for foods containing carcinogens, and poor eating habits; And irregular life, lack of exercise, or excessive behavior. (4) Bad disease behavior. Disease behavior refers to the behavior of individuals from perceiving their illness to recovering from it.



作用: Pubolic health is not only an important fortune to existing and development of society,but also is the basic requirement to improve   national quality and speed up the growth of economy. so that it is of vital importance to our life.

含义: Public Health as the science and art of preventing disease,

prolong life and promoting health through the organized efforts

of society has a long tradition and promising results in china.

with regard to health care,  reasons accounting for the phenomenon that  people's life expectancy has increased over the past few years,can be illustrated as follows. First and foremost,it is a fact that the governament have set a lot of policies and priorites to develop personal and environmental health programs and so on,so the government play a important role in improve the level of public health. on the one hand. we believe that government should build more sports facilities in residentia area in order to provide more chance for citizens to do exercises. On the other hand, we think govemament should play more attention to people's psychological health. Especially the people who undertake overwork and cumulative pressure from both work and life. Therefore goverarmert shoud draw up some laws to limit the worning time for its citizens.in order to relieve pressure and stay health. Furthermore,it is obvious that tremerdous medical and technodogical advances which are made over the past decade controbute a lot to Public health . But the outbreak of viruses that could sparkle off widespread epidemics is a killer to human beings. and now. people are stil under the huge threats.Therefore, it is more urgent and indispensable for government to invest and vigorously develop the biological and medical disciplines to speed the derelopment of medical technology.

Last but not least, what can we do to have a health life and then improve the level of public healeh.As far as I am conerned.healthy lifestyle is of great importance for us to live a healthy life. we should develop good habits which will  not only effectively cut off the infection of infectious  diseases but also can increase our body diathesis. For erample, we should exerise every day and eat more health food instant of junk food. It is also imporant for us to keep a pofitive attitude to life.

 In a nutshell,only in the way can we live a health life and improve the level of public health.



Community is the place where residents live, and the community environment has a very close relationship with the health of the population. How the natural environment of a community is, whether domestic water is safe, and whether air quality, noise, and sewage facilities are sound can directly or indirectly affect community health.

Factors affecting community health include cultural, economic, and social systems.

(1) Community culture:

Each community has its own distinctive cultural background, which to some extent determines the beliefs of the population regarding health and disease, their medical seeking behavior, and their attitudes towards health maintenance, as well as their living habits, behavior patterns, and self-protection abilities.

(2) Community economy:

The economic resources of a community are one of the important factors for doing well in community health education and health promotion. With a developed economy, public health facilities and medical education networks can be improved to collect and organize health care services, which is conducive to promoting people's understanding of health, changing people's ideas, and thus changing people's behavior.

(3) Social system:

Social system is related to the degree of social concern for public health, economic input, and social participation in health maintenance activities. It also affects the medical care system and the organizational form of community health services. In addition, the basic composition of the community population directly affects the health status of the community. Overpopulation or aging of the population, an increase in the proportion of the supported population, an increase in the demand for medical care and health care, resulting in uneven distribution of medical resources, tense interpersonal relationships, and increased family problems can all cause health problems in communities. Community hospitals, health centers, and community health service centers are the foundation of the health care system and the main resources for maintaining community health. The availability, accessibility, and effectiveness of community health care institutions have a significant impact on community health.