The rule of if else
general rules
- if ( condition statement ) action ;
- else if ( condition statement ) action;
Normaltive rules
- if ( condition statement ) { action }
- else if (condition statement) { action }
Some noteworthy things
- The condition statement in the parentheses will be judged whether it is right, if it's correct, the content of the parentheses will be converted " 1 ", if it's wrong, the content of the parenthese will be converted " 0 ", when the number in the parentheses is 1, the action behind the parentheses will be executded , however ,when the number in the parenthese is 0, the action behind the parentheses wouldn't be executded .( 1 -> act ; 0 -> do not act )
- The judgement of condition statement has a sequence , thus the example like " 18<=age<26 " is not right. If assign 27 to age, the front section that " 18<=age " will be considered right, and it will be replaced by " 1 " , after that , the following section that " 1<26 " will be considered wrong, and the result is " 1 " . Howere , as our initial thinking , the result should be " 0 " owing to 27 is greater than 26 .
- The number of times to return " return " can only be one.
The rule of switch
general rule
switch( Integer Expression,整型表达式 )
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